Monday, November 1, 2010

After installing Internet Explorer 8, Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 Console does not work

The MS Virtual Server console requires Internet Explorer 8 to run in "compatibility mode".

Install HP Systems Manager on Xen Server 5.5

Installing HP Systems Management Homepage and the Disk Diagnostics / Configuration Plug ins on a Citrix Xen server 5.5 – Bronson Magnan

  1. Need to temporarily switch to the CentOS Base Repo, and away from the Citrix Repo
  2. cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
  3. vi CentOS-Base.repo
  4. Change “enabled=0” to “enabled=1” this turns on this repo
  5. Change “gpgcheck=1” to “gpgcheck=0” this turns on signature checking for the repo, the key site that is listed in the repo does not exit anymore.
  6. vi Citrix.repo
  7. Change “enabled=1” to “enabled=0”
  8. yum install compat-libstdc++-296.i386
  9. Turn the CentOS repo off and the Citrix repo back on by reversing the changes in step 1 to 7.
  10. Download the following from the HP system management download page to /usr/src 
  11. cpqacuxe-8.35-7.0.noarch.rpm – the array config utility
  12. hpacucli-8.35-7.0.noarch.rpm – the array config utility CLI
  13. hpadu-8.26-1.noarch.rpm – the array diagnostics utility
  14. hpsmh-6.1.0-103.i386.rpm – the systems manager homepage
  15. Trick the script into thinking that this is RHEL instead of CentOS.
  16. cp /etc/redhat-release /etc/xen-release – Making a backup copy.
  17. Vi /etc/redhat-release and change the line: "XenServer release xxxxxxxxx (xenenterprise)" To: "Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 1)"
  18. Save the changes and close the file
  19. rpm –ihv hpsmh-6.1.0-103.i386.rpm – install the system manager homepage.
  20. rpm –ihv hpadu-8.26-1.noarch.rpm – install the array diagnostics web app.
  21. rpm –ihv cpqacuxe-8.35-7.0.noarch.rpm – install the array configuration web app.
  22. rpm –ihv hpacucli-8.35-7.0.noarch.rpm – install the array configuration CLI.
  23. Reverse the changes done in step 15.
  24. mv /etc/xen-release /etc/redhat-release
  25. Edit the firewall ruleset and restart the firewall service.
  26. vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
  27. Insert the following line before the deny all statement “-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT –m state --state NEW –m tcp –p tcp --dport 2381 –j ACCEPT”
  28. Save and close the file
  29. service iptables restart
  30. Patch the diagnostics utility to work on Xen 5.5
  31. cp /usr/sbin/hpadu /usr/sbin/hpadu.bkp
  32. chmod 700 /usr/sbin/hpadu
  33. Now edit hpadu, locate the string "LD_ASSUME". I have to modify the complete section as follows (comment out every line by overwriting the first char)
  34. # 1. Don't set LD_ASSUME_KERNEL on SLES 10, RHEL5, or Debian 2.6
  35. #f
  36. #hen
  37. #xport LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1
  38. #i
  39. Start the management services.
  40. service hpsmhd restart
  41. hpadu –start
  42. cpqacuxe –R
  43. You can view now from https://ipaddress:2381 – use the root credentials.

User extension directories on Trix Box

Fun fact about the user extension directories on Trix Box systems. Only users with voice mail enabled will be presented for searching in the directory.

Cached Exchange Mode with Extremely Large Mailboxes

Applies to: Cached Exchange mode with Mailboxes 18gb in size and over.

Outlook 2007 client hard codes max OST and PST size to 18gb warn and 20gb max for Unicode PSTs, and 1.8gb warn and 2.0gb max for ANSI PSTs. Once in warning mode, mail cannot be sent or received.

On client machine where Outlook 2007 is installed.
Launch Regedit.
Navigate to the following key: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\PST (even for OSTs)
Create the key if necessary.
Create the following 4 DWords and populate them with the accompanying values:
• MaxFileSize=0x7bb04400
• WarnFileSize=0x74404400
• MaxLargeFileSize=0x0000c800
• WarnLargeFileSize=0x0000be00
Navigate to the following key: HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\PST
Create the key if necessary.
Create the following 4 DWords and populate them with the accompanying values:
• MaxFileSize=0x7bb04400
• WarnFileSize=0x74404400
• MaxLargeFileSize=0x0000c800
• WarnLargeFileSize=0x0000be00

Restart outlook. Verify that mail can be sent and received.

Client outbound FTP is not working, PFSense firewall installed on site

Symptom: FTP Client does not work.

Applies to: PFSense firewall guarded networks.

PFSense does not allow the native FTP application out. It uses a built in FTP proxy application to proxy all FTP connections through.
The firewall logs will not even show dropped packets!

To configure do the following for each LAN interface that you want FTP clients to operate on.
1. Uncheck the disable userland FTP proxy application.
Corresponding interface firewall ruleset:
1. Allow src=any proto=tcp spt=any dst= dpt=Range(8000-8030).
The port range 8000 to 8030 is where the FTP proxy operates at, and it listens on the loop back address for that interface.
Operate FTP clients and applications as normal.

Remote Analysis of User Internet Explorer History.

This technique is good for auditing a users internet explorer history without the user knowing about it.
Step one is to download Internet Explorer History Viewer, "iehv".

Step two, if PSEXEC is not already installed on the management system, install it.
Step three, from the command prompt change directory into the folder containing iehv.exe.
Step four, execute iehv.exe remotely from the target computer, using the executable push feature of PSEXEC. (Note: you will need domain administrator privilege of course).
Example: Psexec –c –s –d \\computername iehv.exe /shtml “c:\data.html” –user username
Username is going to be the target user profile to explore.
Step five, move the data.html file off of their computer and back to your management workstation.
Example: Move \\computername\c$\data.html c:\
Step six, delete the pushed executable.
Example: Del \\computername\c$\windows\system32\iehv.exe

Now you can analyze the data. The only traces left are windows log files showing the PSEXEC service starting.

Using the Amavis "Soft" White List

Adding individual users or entire domains to the Amavis soft white list is possible. This differs from the hard white list. The difference between the two is that a score is still computed for items on the soft list, and then the soft list value is added to the score to produce, hopefully, a ham value.

The file is 20-debian_defaults under /etc/amavis/conf.d/

Find the section with the static hash table that occurs after the normally commented line of #read_hash(“/var/amavis/sender_scores_sitewide”).

Add entries as follows into the static hash table:
'user@domain.tld' => -3.0,
'wholedomain.tld' => -3.0,

Use negative values to soft white list, use positive values to soft black list.

Generally you will want to use this in response to sender mail being bounced back as UBE "Unsolicited Bulk Email", and should be used before progressing to using the hard white list array.

Using Disk Cleanup without Installing the Desktop Experience Suite on Server 2008

How to install the Disk Cleanup application without installing the desktop experience on Windows Server 2008 R2, 2008 x64, 2008 x32. This will avoid having to install desktop themes, media player and so on.

Locate the Cleanmgr.exe and the cleanmgr.exe.mui in the appropriate directory in the table below.
Copy Cleanmgr.exe to C:\windows\system32.
Copy Cleanmgr.exe.mui to C:\windows\system32\en-us.

Then you can run the disk cleaner.


Server 2008 R2:

Server 2008 x64:

Server 2008 x32: